With kids back in school and me at home not having much to do but clean clean and clean...and not to mention I need to get my head off certain things I have been going through lately, I need to go to another place in my mind, not this real world, I just need to escape...so I am going to talk fantasies alright...
My greatest fantasy is a threesome. My husband making love to me and another cute girl, me kissing another girl, me and the other girl doing things to each other. I would love to see another beautiful woman naked, I would love to touch and feel her... her breasts, her pussy, her booty. I would love my husband to watch me do that. I wonder what that would feel like....it would be so beautiful. So unreal, so erotic, so pleasurable....
But then again, this is a fantasy. A fantasy that I would rather keep as fantasy. A guilty pleasure of mine. As a Christian who happens to have searched the scriptures over and over to see where I stand with my ultimate fantasy, I hate to say that sometimes my fantasy makes me cringe, yikes! At times it leaves me confused as to why I even have this fantasy in the first place....why do I even fantasize about touching another woman, why? I do not consider myself a lesbian whatsoever, neither do I support homosexual tendencies because I believe it goes against the bible. But having said all that, somehow beyond my control I am fascinated by female to female sexual attraction, theres something yummy and enticing about it, its always been a guilty pleasure of mine that subconsciously I never knew about . Till I decided to be open about who I really was sexually, behold, I discovered I am a somewhat sucker for pussy.
So what does my African husband make of his African wife's sexual fantasy? Boy, initially when I told him,I thought I had made an ass of myself. He was rather shocked, did not know what to make of it, which is understandable considering his background. But with time, especially recently he has taken a liking to my "threesome"' fantasy...and he gets very horny thinking about me touching and kissing another girl. Its a guilty pleasure we now both enjoy together, now and again during the climax of erotic pleasure, our threesome takes us to a sexual heaven, where nothing but the sky is the limit. Where my husband makes love to two beautiful women at the same time, and he also watches these women touch, caress and kiss each other...I can't help but think this is just awesome...
So as a Christian is this something I ought not to be thinking about it? Maybe...Do I love my fantasy? Yes and No. I kinda have a love/hate relationship with it. Am I going to act on it? Definitely not, somethings are better left to the imagination. Am I proud of it? Not really, that's why its a fantasy for goodness sake. Fantasies are not exactly something you proud of. I got married very young, I have never slept with another man but my husband, I never went through that faze as a teenager when you experiment. So hey, I am not a good girl, I have my faults alright, but I think morally I have done alright. I just happen to be an over sexed wife with a wild sense of sexual imagination, and I don't think I will go to hell for that. And my "threesome" fantasy is but my guilty pleasure treat, okay so I lied. I love my fantasy, it makes me horny, it makes my pussy wet, my husband loves it, it makes his dick hard.....I love it too!
Though a threesome isnt my fantasy...I understand why it's yours. The female body has to be one of the most beautiful objects on earth, the most erotic too. I dont see anything wrong in appreciating and admiring it's beauty, and that doesnt make you lesbian, haha! A flexible dreamer's mind is a healthy mind me thinks!!
Again, cutie: yours is a welcome voice. It's good to hear from someone so at ease with her sexuality. More power to you!
cheers from rainy Vienna, zilch
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