Saturday, 4 September 2010

pulling them?

Okay so far on this blog I just go on and on about my romps with my husband, let me take a little break and take to you to something more interesting, you might learn a thing or two actually...

Has anyone ever heard of the term Labia Pulling? Well I am sure not in England, but back in Southern Africa...  ya'll people know what I am talking about. In my country the practice is not done to extremes hopefully, but there is a general view among women of certain tribes that the inner labia (matinji) need to be longer than they would be naturally. Labia pulling starts when a girl starts her periods, she pulls them everyday after she takes a bath until they reach desired length. The general belief  is that elongated inner labia swell more during sexual excitement, and in doing so, provide a much bigger surface area for penile friction during coitus. The belief is that a woman with longer labia has more to offer sexually. Well so the sayings goes...To westerns and those ignorant of this traditional practise,  there can be a misconception that African men oppress their women and they force this practise on them for their sexual gratification. This is not the case at all. The men are mostly oblivious to it, and most of them cannot tell the difference between elongated inner labia and natural inner labia. Though rumour has it that men from my country prefer women with longer labia, I honestly think they ain't that bothered, if its true, well if she has them, maybe its just a bonus...

Well I first heard about labia pulling when I was about 11 at school, there was a certain girl who used to go on and on about made me curious so I went home and asked my mum, pure African style mummy did not dare talk to me about it... I suspect she told one of my aunties that I had been asking. I also went to a boarding school, even though most girls outside pretended they had no idea what labia pulling was, in our dormitories, labia talk was always a hot topic, with other cheeky girls even willing to show the others their asserts. I was so curious, and lo and behold, when I was about 14 I think, auntie called me to her house for a visit. In our culture, its aunties job to tell girls about these things, they even ask the girl to pull her underwear down and do the demonstration...I know. The labias are pulled down using oiled fingers, I personally found the practise a pain and painful. Did not wanna do it. Was told by my aunt if I did not have long labias when I got married, I would suck in bed and my husband would leave me....It frightened the pants out of me, so I had do my daily routine, gosh! I think she could tell I was a little reluctant to accept the whole concept.

As a quitter by nature, I went from doing it twice a day, to once a day, to once a week, then lol the rest was history. I was lucky my aunt never did a follow up coz I would have been in serious trouble. I am glad I did not go all the way though, coz pulling them a little as I did definitely gave me a little character down there. I love my pussy, never used to, I thought it was ugly, but I love it now.  I am glad mine are not oversize, which they would have been had I continued pulling the poor things....

Well that said, would I tell my daughter to pull her vaginal labia, hell no! I don't think it makes any difference to anything to be honest, the practise is so outdated and not necessary in my opinion. But again that said, I think slightly elongated labias are definitely cute, give a bit of character to pussies. And I love getting mine sucked by my husband, it feels like heaven...and I must confess it was during my labia elongation pulling days that I learnt the art of self pleasuring.... so I am still up for it, in a way...


Blessed MystiQue (Tanya) said...

Funny thing is I was just telling my hubby about this this weekend, he is not from Southern Africa, so as soon as I said "pulling" it totally freaked him out. He started spewing words like abuse, female circumcision, women's rights...haha! So I agree with you, it's a shame that young girls are terrified into pulling 'them', with no guarantee that 'they' are that special.
Another funny thing is some in western women have the complete opposite thoughts on long labia. Most western women with long labia want them removed! via a surgery called labiaplasty...
Crazy, huh? We're forced into pulling them, others are spending money to cut them short...

African Cutie said...

Yea you are right girl, I don't think they are anything special anymore...

Well funny you say that...I used to want mine surgically removed too...till I grew to love myself....

Rabana said...

"I don't think they are special anymore ..."As a man I can say nothing is further from the truth. Your hubby is a lucky man. If you love your daughter you should pass on that gift you so reluctantly received from your aunt OR pray she finds an ignorant man.with little or no experience

Rabana said...

All things being equal, I would choose a lippy girl any day. No brainer