With kids back in school and me at home not having much to do but clean clean and clean...and not to mention I need to get my head off certain things I have been going through lately, I need to go to another place in my mind, not this real world, I just need to escape...so I am going to talk fantasies alright...
My greatest fantasy is a threesome. My husband making love to me and another cute girl, me kissing another girl, me and the other girl doing things to each other. I would love to see another beautiful woman naked, I would love to touch and feel her... her breasts, her pussy, her booty. I would love my husband to watch me do that. I wonder what that would feel like....it would be so beautiful. So unreal, so erotic, so pleasurable....
But then again, this is a fantasy. A fantasy that I would rather keep as fantasy. A guilty pleasure of mine. As a Christian who happens to have searched the scriptures over and over to see where I stand with my ultimate fantasy, I hate to say that sometimes my fantasy makes me cringe, yikes! At times it leaves me confused as to why I even have this fantasy in the first place....why do I even fantasize about touching another woman, why? I do not consider myself a lesbian whatsoever, neither do I support homosexual tendencies because I believe it goes against the bible. But having said all that, somehow beyond my control I am fascinated by female to female sexual attraction, theres something yummy and enticing about it, its always been a guilty pleasure of mine that subconsciously I never knew about . Till I decided to be open about who I really was sexually, behold, I discovered I am a somewhat sucker for pussy.
So what does my African husband make of his African wife's sexual fantasy? Boy, initially when I told him,I thought I had made an ass of myself. He was rather shocked, did not know what to make of it, which is understandable considering his background. But with time, especially recently he has taken a liking to my "threesome"' fantasy...and he gets very horny thinking about me touching and kissing another girl. Its a guilty pleasure we now both enjoy together, now and again during the climax of erotic pleasure, our threesome takes us to a sexual heaven, where nothing but the sky is the limit. Where my husband makes love to two beautiful women at the same time, and he also watches these women touch, caress and kiss each other...I can't help but think this is just awesome...
So as a Christian is this something I ought not to be thinking about it? Maybe...Do I love my fantasy? Yes and No. I kinda have a love/hate relationship with it. Am I going to act on it? Definitely not, somethings are better left to the imagination. Am I proud of it? Not really, that's why its a fantasy for goodness sake. Fantasies are not exactly something you proud of. I got married very young, I have never slept with another man but my husband, I never went through that faze as a teenager when you experiment. So hey, I am not a good girl, I have my faults alright, but I think morally I have done alright. I just happen to be an over sexed wife with a wild sense of sexual imagination, and I don't think I will go to hell for that. And my "threesome" fantasy is but my guilty pleasure treat, okay so I lied. I love my fantasy, it makes me horny, it makes my pussy wet, my husband loves it, it makes his dick hard.....I love it too!
I am an African Wife, A Christian, A Nymphomaniac, A kinky sex junkie, I love all positions, I do it in the shower, on the stairs, in the kitchen, in the car, in my back garden...anywhere really...well this blog is about me expressing my sexuality as how I see it from my view...

Monday, 6 September 2010
Saturday, 4 September 2010
pulling them?
Okay so far on this blog I just go on and on about my romps with my husband, let me take a little break and take to you to something more interesting, you might learn a thing or two actually...
Has anyone ever heard of the term Labia Pulling? Well I am sure not in England, but back in Southern Africa... ya'll people know what I am talking about. In my country the practice is not done to extremes hopefully, but there is a general view among women of certain tribes that the inner labia (matinji) need to be longer than they would be naturally. Labia pulling starts when a girl starts her periods, she pulls them everyday after she takes a bath until they reach desired length. The general belief is that elongated inner labia swell more during sexual excitement, and in doing so, provide a much bigger surface area for penile friction during coitus. The belief is that a woman with longer labia has more to offer sexually. Well so the sayings goes...To westerns and those ignorant of this traditional practise, there can be a misconception that African men oppress their women and they force this practise on them for their sexual gratification. This is not the case at all. The men are mostly oblivious to it, and most of them cannot tell the difference between elongated inner labia and natural inner labia. Though rumour has it that men from my country prefer women with longer labia, I honestly think they ain't that bothered, if its true, well if she has them, maybe its just a bonus...
Well I first heard about labia pulling when I was about 11 at school, there was a certain girl who used to go on and on about it....it made me curious so I went home and asked my mum, pure African style mummy did not dare talk to me about it... I suspect she told one of my aunties that I had been asking. I also went to a boarding school, even though most girls outside pretended they had no idea what labia pulling was, in our dormitories, labia talk was always a hot topic, with other cheeky girls even willing to show the others their asserts. I was so curious, and lo and behold, when I was about 14 I think, auntie called me to her house for a visit. In our culture, its aunties job to tell girls about these things, they even ask the girl to pull her underwear down and do the demonstration...I know. The labias are pulled down using oiled fingers, I personally found the practise a pain and painful. Did not wanna do it. Was told by my aunt if I did not have long labias when I got married, I would suck in bed and my husband would leave me....It frightened the pants out of me, so I had do my daily routine, gosh! I think she could tell I was a little reluctant to accept the whole concept.
As a quitter by nature, I went from doing it twice a day, to once a day, to once a week, then lol the rest was history. I was lucky my aunt never did a follow up coz I would have been in serious trouble. I am glad I did not go all the way though, coz pulling them a little as I did definitely gave me a little character down there. I love my pussy, never used to, I thought it was ugly, but I love it now. I am glad mine are not oversize, which they would have been had I continued pulling the poor things....
Well that said, would I tell my daughter to pull her vaginal labia, hell no! I don't think it makes any difference to anything to be honest, the practise is so outdated and not necessary in my opinion. But again that said, I think slightly elongated labias are definitely cute, give a bit of character to pussies. And I love getting mine sucked by my husband, it feels like heaven...and I must confess it was during my labia elongation pulling days that I learnt the art of self pleasuring.... so I am still up for it, in a way...
Has anyone ever heard of the term Labia Pulling? Well I am sure not in England, but back in Southern Africa... ya'll people know what I am talking about. In my country the practice is not done to extremes hopefully, but there is a general view among women of certain tribes that the inner labia (matinji) need to be longer than they would be naturally. Labia pulling starts when a girl starts her periods, she pulls them everyday after she takes a bath until they reach desired length. The general belief is that elongated inner labia swell more during sexual excitement, and in doing so, provide a much bigger surface area for penile friction during coitus. The belief is that a woman with longer labia has more to offer sexually. Well so the sayings goes...To westerns and those ignorant of this traditional practise, there can be a misconception that African men oppress their women and they force this practise on them for their sexual gratification. This is not the case at all. The men are mostly oblivious to it, and most of them cannot tell the difference between elongated inner labia and natural inner labia. Though rumour has it that men from my country prefer women with longer labia, I honestly think they ain't that bothered, if its true, well if she has them, maybe its just a bonus...
Well I first heard about labia pulling when I was about 11 at school, there was a certain girl who used to go on and on about it....it made me curious so I went home and asked my mum, pure African style mummy did not dare talk to me about it... I suspect she told one of my aunties that I had been asking. I also went to a boarding school, even though most girls outside pretended they had no idea what labia pulling was, in our dormitories, labia talk was always a hot topic, with other cheeky girls even willing to show the others their asserts. I was so curious, and lo and behold, when I was about 14 I think, auntie called me to her house for a visit. In our culture, its aunties job to tell girls about these things, they even ask the girl to pull her underwear down and do the demonstration...I know. The labias are pulled down using oiled fingers, I personally found the practise a pain and painful. Did not wanna do it. Was told by my aunt if I did not have long labias when I got married, I would suck in bed and my husband would leave me....It frightened the pants out of me, so I had do my daily routine, gosh! I think she could tell I was a little reluctant to accept the whole concept.
As a quitter by nature, I went from doing it twice a day, to once a day, to once a week, then lol the rest was history. I was lucky my aunt never did a follow up coz I would have been in serious trouble. I am glad I did not go all the way though, coz pulling them a little as I did definitely gave me a little character down there. I love my pussy, never used to, I thought it was ugly, but I love it now. I am glad mine are not oversize, which they would have been had I continued pulling the poor things....
Well that said, would I tell my daughter to pull her vaginal labia, hell no! I don't think it makes any difference to anything to be honest, the practise is so outdated and not necessary in my opinion. But again that said, I think slightly elongated labias are definitely cute, give a bit of character to pussies. And I love getting mine sucked by my husband, it feels like heaven...and I must confess it was during my labia elongation pulling days that I learnt the art of self pleasuring.... so I am still up for it, in a way...
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Being Licked On A Beautiful Morning
I have been going through a lot lately, today am kind of upset, so writing on my blog is a way of distracting me and stopping me from visiting websites I really shouldn't be visiting...so today this little blog of mine that no ones reads is my comfort...my marriage is not perfect and neither am I, I am constantly reminded I am a sinner...enough of my self pity, let me chin up and write this post...
So two days ago the weather suddenly decided to be nice, yep- when kids had just a day before the school term started. The whole of August was miserable. I hate English weather. Anyway back to the story, the weather was gorgeous, we were preparing to go to the beach, I was looking hot, sorry to be conceited like that, but its part of the story I have to point out that I was looking super sexy. The kids were playing in the back garden, whilst I finished loading the car. Yes loading the car, when you got three young kids every time you plan a trip you take the whole house with you. Well I looked at the beautiful sky and thought'; oh I just wish my husband would make love to me when I am looking this hot on a hot summer's day like this....there is something about making sweet love on a beautiful morning...so I made sure the kids were busy playing, made my way upstairs and took my knickers off.
I called my husband to the bedroom and when he walked in I had my legs spread wide apart sitting on the bed. He became as horny as hell and thought I wanted sex there and then. He was about to take off his pants when I told him to go down on me, he obliged. We knew we had to be quick because it was just a matter of time before the kids came banging on the door acting as if the world had come to an end. So hubby knew he was going down on my wet pussy and it had to be quick. He sucked my clitoris, sucked it real hard that it hurt a little, but before I could feel any real pain, he worked down my labias and started caressing and sucking them with his tongue and lips, and suddenly I felt like exploding, fainting, crying and laughing at the same time. It pleasure was so intense I did not know what to do, I might have screamed his name....then when I thought I was cumming... the worst possible thing happened, two of our kids knocked on the door, one was crying...we were both pissed off like hell, hubby took them back downstairs and ordered them to behave , I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was mad that his kids were stopping him from licking his horny wet wife....
Well at least it wasn't long my pussy was being licked again, I thought the moment was gone and I wasn't going to climax, but I was wrong. This time he sucked my clitoris, licked my labias and fingered me at the same time. As he pushed his fingers in and out of me, whilst sucking my clit, the sensation of his hand on my bum made me scream, it was too yummy, this was when I screamed so hard I honestly thought was going to faint....but it was just a long intense orgasm, and after that I was as good as dead. Its not often I orgasm like that, I blame it on the weather... Hubby wanted his dick in me....I had already had my yum yum was too tired for the real thing, but as always anything for my baby. I told him to be extra quick though, so I grabbed his hard manhood and pushed it in. "You look so sexy my beautiful wife", he told me, "its nice to make love to you when you look this hot". I even open my legs wider when he said that, (this was a missionary special) I wanted him to really enjoy me to the max, and he did because he did not last five minutes.....sadly we had no time for cuddles and those "that was nice babe" but we were not bothered because we were lucky we managed to make love at all...that's what happens when you are parents to three young kids.
Well at least our morning romp was topped up by a beautiful day out with our children....there is something about morning sex that always makes the rest of my day relaxing....
So two days ago the weather suddenly decided to be nice, yep- when kids had just a day before the school term started. The whole of August was miserable. I hate English weather. Anyway back to the story, the weather was gorgeous, we were preparing to go to the beach, I was looking hot, sorry to be conceited like that, but its part of the story I have to point out that I was looking super sexy. The kids were playing in the back garden, whilst I finished loading the car. Yes loading the car, when you got three young kids every time you plan a trip you take the whole house with you. Well I looked at the beautiful sky and thought'; oh I just wish my husband would make love to me when I am looking this hot on a hot summer's day like this....there is something about making sweet love on a beautiful morning...so I made sure the kids were busy playing, made my way upstairs and took my knickers off.
I called my husband to the bedroom and when he walked in I had my legs spread wide apart sitting on the bed. He became as horny as hell and thought I wanted sex there and then. He was about to take off his pants when I told him to go down on me, he obliged. We knew we had to be quick because it was just a matter of time before the kids came banging on the door acting as if the world had come to an end. So hubby knew he was going down on my wet pussy and it had to be quick. He sucked my clitoris, sucked it real hard that it hurt a little, but before I could feel any real pain, he worked down my labias and started caressing and sucking them with his tongue and lips, and suddenly I felt like exploding, fainting, crying and laughing at the same time. It pleasure was so intense I did not know what to do, I might have screamed his name....then when I thought I was cumming... the worst possible thing happened, two of our kids knocked on the door, one was crying...we were both pissed off like hell, hubby took them back downstairs and ordered them to behave , I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was mad that his kids were stopping him from licking his horny wet wife....
Well at least it wasn't long my pussy was being licked again, I thought the moment was gone and I wasn't going to climax, but I was wrong. This time he sucked my clitoris, licked my labias and fingered me at the same time. As he pushed his fingers in and out of me, whilst sucking my clit, the sensation of his hand on my bum made me scream, it was too yummy, this was when I screamed so hard I honestly thought was going to faint....but it was just a long intense orgasm, and after that I was as good as dead. Its not often I orgasm like that, I blame it on the weather... Hubby wanted his dick in me....I had already had my yum yum was too tired for the real thing, but as always anything for my baby. I told him to be extra quick though, so I grabbed his hard manhood and pushed it in. "You look so sexy my beautiful wife", he told me, "its nice to make love to you when you look this hot". I even open my legs wider when he said that, (this was a missionary special) I wanted him to really enjoy me to the max, and he did because he did not last five minutes.....sadly we had no time for cuddles and those "that was nice babe" but we were not bothered because we were lucky we managed to make love at all...that's what happens when you are parents to three young kids.
Well at least our morning romp was topped up by a beautiful day out with our children....there is something about morning sex that always makes the rest of my day relaxing....
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